run sth up

  • 向上跑;升旗
run sth uprun sth up

These words all mean to get more of sth over a period of time, or to increase in quantity over a period of time.以上各词均含收集、聚积、积累之义。

to bring things or information together from different people or places; to gradually increase in amount in a place指收集、采集、聚积、积累:

We've been collecting data from various sources.


Dirt had collected in the corners of the room.


to bring things together that have been spread around; to collect information from different sources指收拢、归拢(分散的东西),搜集、收集(情报):

I waited while he gathered up his papers.


Detectives have spent months gathering evidence.


Both collect and gather can be used in the same way to talk about bringing together data, information or evidence. When talking about things, gather is used with words like things , belongings or papers when the things are spread around within a short distance. Collect is used for getting examples of sth from different people or places that are physically separated.

( rather formal ) to gradually get more and more of sth over a period of time; to gradually increase in number or quantity over a period of time指积累、聚积,(数量)逐渐增加:

I seem to have accumulated a lot of books.


Debts began to accumulate.


( rather informal ) to allow a bill, debt or loss to reach a large total指积欠(账款、债务)、累积(损失):

She had run up a huge phone bill.


( rather formal ) to collect sth in large quantities, especially money, debts or information指大量积累、积聚(尤指金钱、债务或情报):

He amassed a fortune from silver mining.
